Support CEFF today!
The Colorado Environmental Film Festival (CEFF) is a 501c(3) non-profit organization run primarily by volunteers from our community.
Many supporters of CEFF donate with goods and services but their contributions don’t completely cover all that is required to put on this event. Donations at any level help us to fill in the gaps and make the festival a great experience for everyone.
Monetary donations are fully tax-deductible and help in many ways to bring environmental films to Golden each year!
See what your dollar amount can provide:

Provides one (or more) free festival digital unlock code(s) to view a film collection online for students or other qualifying high need individuals.

Provides a film entry fee waiver to qualifying filmmakers, including students, young professionals, or filmmakers from developing countries.

Helps defray the expense of providing food and drink for the festival photo exhibition opening reception.

Provides an interactive environmental education program from a local non-profit such as bringing live raptors from Wild Wings, or the presentations by W.O.L.F. Sanctuary.

Helps with printing expenses for our programs, tickets, posters, banners, and other signage.

Contributes to the rental of the facility to host the film festival.