Check out our green initiatives!
Buy Local
Locally sourced food and drink selections
CEFF merchandise purchased locally
Partnership with Eco Vessel for reusable mugs
Partner with eco-friendly Superior Ink for t-shirt printing
Reduce Waste
Compostible/Sustainable products used
Digital tickets eliminate printing
Staff work from home to save resources
Partnership with Evergreen Sustainability Alliance to educate attendees about composting
Data is collected on festival waste diverted from landfills through recycling, reuse and composting
Office and production paper products recycled
CEFF t-shirts made from recycled bottles
Recycle stations at festival

Here’s how you can help!
- Rideshare, walk, ride your bike or take public transportation to the festival
- Bring your reusable containers
- Learn about carbon offsets
- Recycle lanyards and programs
- Visit the Eco-Expo for lots of great ideas from local businesses and organizations!
“Twenty five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much or not doing much about climate change. Today we have no excuse.”
Desmond Tutu